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Penguin Sticker for iMessage

4.8 ( 1168 ratings )
Розробник: Jyoti Yadav
1.99 USD

Penguins are some of the most recognizable and beloved birds in the world, they are unique and amazing birds, now enjoy with penguin stickers for iMessage.

How To Install iMessage App and Use Stickers :
- Open iMessage from your iPhone.
- Click on the Appstore icon.
- Tap the four oval icon on the lower left corner to open the app drawer. From there, tap the plus icon labelled Store to access the Messages App Store.
- In the App Store, tap the Manage tab in the top right to add your purchased apps to your app drawer
- Select the your stickers app .
- Just with a single tap send stickers.
- Also simply long touch and peel off the stickers to add them with your texts!! or existing stickers.
- Scale & Rotate stickers by using a second finger before you place it on a bubble.